
Can Foreigners Buy Real Estate in Romania

Can Foreigners Buy Real Estate in Romania

Real estate investments in Romania by foreign nationals have always been made. However, whether a foreigner can buy or own real estate in Romania is subject to a few conditions. At first, we must differentiate between buildings and the land they are built on. While foreigners are allowed to own buildings in Romania, not all […]

Setting Up a Company in Romania

Setting Up a Company in Romania

Setting up a company in Romania can bring great opportunities, but it is very important to choose the right type of company for your needs.Romanian legislation regulates different company types, with different purposes and requirements. Types of Companies in Romania The most common company types in Romania are the joint stock company (S.A.) and the […]

Car Crash Victims Compensation in Romania

Car Crash Victims Compensation in Romania

Car crash victims’ compensation is very important as accidents are very common in Romania for a number of reasons. They often result in serious injury or death. Although authorities are taking measures to prevent serious or fatal car accidents, they are still a common sight on Romanian roads. Traffic accident victims can obtain compensation so […]

Driving Without a License in Romania / Conducerea fără permis

Driving Without a License in Romania

Driving without a license is incriminated as a crime in the Romanian Criminal Code. Therefore, doing this will have you facing a criminal penalty, not just a fine. Difference to Driving while Your Right to Drive Is Suspended Driving with no license is not equal to driving with a suspended right to drive. Although it […]

Tax Evasion in Romania / Evaziunea fiscală

Tax Evasion Crimes in Romania

Tax evasion is criminally punishable in Romania. While different actions can lead to tax evasion charges, the value of the taxes has a significant impact on penalties. For some minimal values, you can avoid criminal sentencing. At the other end of the range, penalties can be severe. What Actions Constitute Tax Evasion Romanian law incriminates […]

Drug Trafficking in Romania

Drug Trafficking in Romania

Drug trafficking is defined as producing, selling, and/or transporting illegal drugs and it is a serious criminal offense in Romania. There are a few key elements that make the difference in such cases. Criminal Penalties for Drug Trafficking in Romania by Type of Drugs Penalties for trafficking drugs in Romania are imprisonment of up to […]

Collect Inheritance in Romania / Moștenirea

How To Collect Inheritance in Romania

You can collect inheritance in Romania either by agreement or through litigation. This depends on whether all the heirs agree on the division of their shares. Who Can Collect Inheritance in Romania If the deceased has drafted a last will or testament, its provisions should make the entire procedure easier. However, there are cases in […]

Getting Arrested in Romania / Arestarea preventivă

Getting Arrested in Romania

Getting arrested in Romania is a complicated situation that everyone would rather avoid. If you find yourself in this position, you should know a few things about how Romanian criminal justice works. How Long Can You Be Arrested For Arrest warrants are issued for 30 days. However, they can be extended before they expire for […]