Car Crash Victims Compensation in Romania

Car crash victims’ compensation is very important as accidents are very common in Romania for a number of reasons. They often result in serious injury or death. Although authorities are taking measures to prevent serious or fatal car accidents, they are still a common sight on Romanian roads.

Traffic accident victims can obtain compensation so it is important to understand how to seek damages under Romanian law.

Who Can Ask for Compensation as Car Crash Victims

In the event of a car crash that results in injuries, the victims are the ones that can ask for compensation for their injuries.

If a car accident results in the death of a person, the victim’s close relatives are the ones that can seek compensation for their loss.

What Type of Compensation Can Victims Receive

Romanian laws provision two types of compensation: one for material damages and one for moral distress.

Material damages are the expenses that the victim had to make because of the crash. For instance, they can be medical costs, vehicle repairs, and transportation.

Moral damages are simply compensatory measures for the victim’s suffering. In case the car accident has resulted in death, the victim’s relatives can seek compensation as well.

Who Will Pay a Car Crash Victim Compensation

Compensation for car accidents is normally paid by the guilty driver’s insurance company.

However, there are cases in which the culprit does not have a valid insurance policy. Even in these cases, compensation is still possible.

What Should a Car Crash Victim Do When Seeking Compensation

A car crash victim’s main concern after a serious car accident is to get healthy. Even so, it is important for victims and their families to know their rights. They should also try to document their medical and related expenses carefully.

Because dealing with the police and insurance companies is never easy, we advise car accident victims to seek legal counseling early in the process.

If you need more information about this subject, you can contact us at any time and we will be glad to answer any questions that you may have.